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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Snow View from My Room

Snowing in East New York

This photo was taken like three weeks ago. It didn't snow so much this year in New York. This is really strange weather condition.

I lived in northern area last year, so I don't know about here...but I'm sure it is not normal.

In the end of October 2011, suddenly it snowed too much. I thought it would be the beginning of winter. However, how was it? Little little snow through the winter.

In December of the last year was like it's not too much to say that it snowed everyday. Always, there was snow outside, school was cancelled so often due to snow, and all cars were running so slowly and slipping.

Although I believed that winter in New York would be like the last year, in the second year, where's New York's winter?

In the beginning of February, it snowed. Oh, this is New York! I eventually saw the New York! I don't want it to snow though. It's dangerous, cold, and too hard to go to school....

Anyway, this picture was taken from my room.

I don't know what I wanted to say.

Please come to Politics Blog as well.

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